If you want to address a Council meeting about an issue, you must make a request to speak in advance by sending an email. This is known as making a deputation.

Deputations should relate to a matter that is due to be discussed at a committee meeting. 

Dates of upcoming meetings can be found on the meeting calendar.

Meetings that can consider deputations

Deputations can be considered by

  • full Council meetings
  • the five standing committees responsible for Council services 
  • the Scrutiny Committee 
  • Local Committees 

There are different arrangements for the Planning Committee.

Submitting your deputation

A deputation should be submitted in writing and must include:

  • a summary of the issue and points you’d like to make
  • what action you would like the Council to take
  • at least 10 signatures of Sutton residents who support the deputation
  • contact details of the individual, group of individuals or organisation who will be addressing the meeting
  • any photographs, pictures or other illustrative material that you want to refer to 

When to submit your deputation 

Requests to present a deputation should be made no later than 10am on the day of the meeting.

If the committee meets in the morning, you should submit your request on the previous day.

Speaking at the meeting

The Mayor or the Chair of the meeting will decide whether you can speak at the meeting. For further information, contact Committee Services via email or call 020 8770 4990.