How to use less energy and save money

08 Jan 2021

What you can do

  • Turning appliances off instead of leaving them on standby mode saves about £35 a year.
  • Replacing all of your light bulbs with LEDs costs around £100 and can reduce your annual bills by £40.
  • Only filling the kettle with the amount of water that you need can save around £6 a year.
  • Washing your clothes less often and at lower temperatures makes them last longer and uses less energy.
  • Avoid drying your washing on radiators. It makes your heating system work harder so you spend more and will cause condensation, which may lead to mould. 
  • Spending one minute less in the shower each day can save up to £8 a year per person. 

More energy-saving tips and useful links can be found on our Energy Efficiency Advice web pages

What Sutton Council is doing

Sutton Housing Partnership and Sutton Council are transforming up to 100 homes with Energiesprong technology as part of the Council’s ambitious drive to tackle the climate emergency. These homes will be ‘retrofitted’ with insulation, new windows, improved ventilation, a heat pump and solar panels to make them carbon neutral. Residents will benefit from having warmer homes in the winter and cooler homes in the summer - so much lower energy bills.

Other actions being taken to help improve energy efficiency across the borough include installing LED street lighting, introducing smart meters in the Council's own buildings and piloting energy-saving lighting schemes in Council buildings. 

How this affects the climate emergency

Using less energy in our homes and buildings means less energy needs to be generated. This saves money, reduces carbon emissions and helps to protect our natural resources. Switching to a renewable energy supplier is another great way of reducing carbon emissions.

If you, or anyone you know, are struggling with fuel bills, contact your energy supplier. The Government has agreed a set of emergency measures with them to ensure continued energy supply for customers during the COVID-19 crisis.