You can make a big difference to a child’s life in Sutton by providing a loving home.

We currently have a shortage of carers for:

  • young people aged 11 to 17
  • sibling groups
  • children with disabilities
If you’re already a foster carer you can transfer to work with us.

Two children dressed up as medieval knights

Our fostering options

Fostering a child may be on a short-term or long-term basis.


Short-term foster placements can range from an overnight stay up to two years. Short-term carers offer children a stable and secure home while decisions are made about the child’s future.

Children may return home to their birth family, be cared for by other family members or carers, or move on to an adoptive family.


Long-term foster carers care for children unable to live with their birth families. Children stay with their long-term carers until they reach adulthood.

Respite and support care

Help a family at crisis point or a foster carer who needs a break by taking care of a child or young person for a short period of time. This is mainly weekends, school holidays and in emergencies.

Short breaks for disabled children

Short break carers offer children with disabilities regular, planned and ongoing support at weekends and during school holidays. These carers work closely with parents to ensure children receive care that meets their specific needs.

Register your interest in fostering

If you're interested in fostering, we want to hear from you.


Register your interest


020 8770 5563
