Bands and amounts

The amount of council tax you pay is based on a valuation of your property by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) in 1991. This allocates each property into one of eight bands. Your council tax bill shows which band applies to your property.

Your council tax band

You can search for your Council Tax band online on the Valuation Office Agency's website.

How much you pay

The table below shows the total amount payable by each household in each band for 2024-2025. The amounts below are without any discounts.

You will see charges on your bill for Adult Social Care and Greater London Authority precept.

Percentage Increase 2.99% 2.0% 8.58% 5.75%
Council tax band Range of values (£) Sutton Council (£) ASC Precept (£) GLA Precept (£) Total Council Tax (£)
A Up to 40,000 965.13 164.72 314.27 1,444.12
B 40,001 - 52,000 1,125.99 192.17 366.64 1,684.80
C 52,001 - 68,000 1,286.84 219.63 419.02 1,925.49
D 68,001 - 88,000 1,447.70 247.08 471.40 2,166.18
E 88,001 - 120,000 1,769.41 301.99 576.16 2,647.56
F 120,001 - 160,000 2,091.12 356.89 680.91 3,128.92
G 160,001 - 320,000 2,412.83 411.80 785.67 3,610.30
H More than £320,000 2,895.40 494.16 942.80 4,332.36

If you think your band is wrong

If you think your property is in the wrong band, contact the Valuation Office Agency..

You can ask the VOA to review your Council Tax band if you think it is wrong and you have been the taxpayer for less than six months, or your band has changed in the last six months.

If this does not apply you can still ask the VOA to review your Council Tax band, but you’ll need to provide strong supporting evidence showing why you believe your property is in the wrong band.

You can find more information about challenging your Council Tax band on VOA’s website. The online service allows you to check your band and submit a challenge if you think your band may be wrong.

You'll need to continue to pay your council tax while any challenge is being considered.

Useful links

Property bands

How domestic properties are assessed for council tax bands

Check your council tax band

Changes to a property

Home-based businesses

Houses in multiple occupation

Council tax bands and annexes

Domestic properties which are in disrepair or are derelict