Get advice about your housing situation

Housing, homelessness and support brokerage services are provided by Encompass LATC on our behalf.

Getting advice if you are homeless or think you are soon to be

All calls and emails will be responded to within 2 working days.

If your situation is an emergency you will be responded to within 4 hours.


Getting financial advice

You can contact us for advice if you:

  • are finding it difficult to keep up your mortgage repayments
  • are finding it difficult to pay your rent
  • are in danger of being repossessed or evicted 

Financial advice on Encompass' website

About Encompass

Encompass is a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC), wholly owned by the London Borough of Sutton. LATCs are bodies that are free to operate as commercial companies but remain wholly owned by the parent local authority. As a trading body, Encompass can provide services to a much wider market than a Council department. They can generate income which can be put back into the LATC itself or the wider Council. This contributes to the protection of frontline services.

Find out more about Encompass on their website