Getting your message across

Write down the points you want to get across

  • as an example, we have identified that Sutton residents need to be able to report fly tipping on the Council’s website
  • first, we should list all of the points we want to make to help them achieve this goal

Could you be fly tipping without knowing it?

How can you dispose of waste responsibly?

How should businesses deal with their waste?

What happens after you have reported a fly tipping incident to us?

What information should you collect if you observe fly tipping?

What qualifies as fly tipping?

Make sure you don’t have too many points

  • we should only publish information that the reader needs to accomplish their goal, and nothing else
  • so we can identify and remove a number of points that are not needed for a reader to report fly tipping

Could you be fly tipping without knowing it?

How can you dispose of waste responsibly?

How should businesses deal with their waste?

What happens after you have reported a fly tipping incident to us?

What information should you collect if you observe fly tipping?

What qualifies as fly tipping?

Order the points so that people can follow your line of thought

  • the final 3 points should be put into chronological order
  • this is to make it easier for readers to follow

What qualifies as fly tipping?

What information should you collect if you observe fly tipping?

What happens after you have reported a fly tipping incident to us?