Marking A Level success!

19 Aug 2022

Yesterday marked an important day in the year when A Level students up and down the country received their eagerly awaited exam results.

I am delighted to say that our amazing Sutton students achieved a preliminary average of 52% A or A* grade - well above the England average of 44.8%, and a preliminary average A*-C pass rate of 90.4% against a national average of 82.6%! I hope that you all received the results you wanted and you should be proud of all you have achieved.

You can see why Sutton is a popular place for people to live and work, with access to the brilliant schools that we are so lucky to have here. Schools are at the heart of the community and without such brilliant and supportive teachers, parents and support staff our students would not have been able to demonstrate such positive A Level results.

I appreciate that for recent cohorts of A Level students there has been a significant impact from COVID, with many students having to take several days away from school to recover from illness or help those in their families. While COVID rules have changed and students had to adapt back to being in a school environment, they have shown resilience and have continued to perform extraordinarily well as the results have demonstrated.

For many students life may already have a plan - perhaps they are off to their chosen university or into the workforce. But if not, then there are lots of options just waiting out there. From apprenticeships or degree apprenticeships to volunteering or even taking a gap year, the world is your oyster!

So, well done to everyone, whatever your results were! 

Councillor Marian James

Chair of the People Committee