Sutton STEAMs Ahead: our year of culture

02 Jun 2023

We are now well into our cultural programme Sutton STEAMs ahead that explores the world of science through art and culture. 

When we were first awarded the funding to host a cultural programme by the Mayor of London back in 2020, I knew that we had some great ideas to celebrate our borough's local heritage with the latest scientific discoveries taking place at the London Cancer Hub in Belmont. However, what we have created and the events set to take place throughout the rest of the year have far exceeded my expectations. 

The year started with the premier of our short film ‘We dance for Life’. The film celebrates the pioneering drug discovery work taking place at the cancer hub expressed through a series of cleverly choreographed dance sequences featuring local residents and volunteers. The film is still available to watch via the Council's YouTube channel. 

After its premier in Sutton, I’m delighted to say that the film has reached beyond the boundaries of borough and even London and is being screened at film festivals in Toronto and Los Angeles! Congratulations to everyone who was involved and took part in the film, this is a fantastic legacy for our borough and truly encapsulated what Sutton STEAMs Ahead is all about. 

The next exciting chapter in our programme will see the return of our much loved S.T.E.A.M Fair on Saturday 1st July. 

Hosted by our town centre Business Improvement district, Enjoy Sutton, Sutton Grammar School, and the Council, the fair will see Sutton transformed into a bustling hub of scientific discovery, technological wonders, engineering sensations, artistic spectacles, and mathematical marvels. 
The fair returns to Sutton high street for the first time since the COVID pandemic and I’m really looking forward to seeing the creative ideas of the students at Sutton Grammar School come to life. 

Other events set to take place throughout the summer and the rest of the year include, Shed Loads of Happiness, capturing what makes residents happy about living in Sutton; Then, Now and Next, exploring the science behind photography and photographic collections in Sutton Archives and finally culminating in an event that explores the theme of light and dark. 

Stay tuned for all the latest updates on the Sutton STEAMs Ahead programme via the website and I hope you are able to join us at one of the events this year. 

Councillor Ruth Dombey

Leader of the council