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Mock up image of Belomt
29 Aug 2024

Last chance to have your say on cycling and walking routes between Belmont Station and the London Cancer Hub!

Sutton Council is asking for views on plans to make it easier to walk and cycle between Belmont Station and the London Cancer Hub (LCH).

Sutton students celebrate GCSE results day
22 Aug 2024

Sutton GCSE students celebrate outstanding exam results

GCSE students in Sutton were jubilant today, Thursday 22 August, as they received another set of excellent exam results that continue a steady rise in outstanding achievement.

22 Aug 2024

Celebrating the Achievements of Sutton’s Young People

As Chair of the People Committee at Sutton Council, I would like to congratulate all our young people across the borough who have received their A-level, Vocational Training Qualifications (VTQs), and GCSE results over the past week.

19 Aug 2024

Developer chosen to build new council homes in Sutton town centre

Exciting plans to build around 290 new homes in the heart of Sutton town centre have taken a big step forward this week with the announcement of a preferred developer to rebuild Elm Grove estate. 50% of the new homes will be genuinely affordable homes.

16 Aug 2024

Coming together as a community

As Sutton Council’s Lead Member for Community Safety, I was deeply concerned to see the disorder, violence and racism happening across the country. I am thankful that no events of this kind happened here in Sutton.

Cheam High students celebrating their exam results. Image shows three smiling young ladies standing behind a giant Instagram photo frame
15 Aug 2024

Sutton students shine on A-Level results day!

Sutton’s A-level and B-Tech students look set to smash exams results day today, Thursday 15 August, with data predicting a continuing year on year trend of exceeding national averages.

13 Aug 2024

New moon gate and urban garden will celebrate communities across Sutton

A new moon gate and urban garden will open this September in Trinity Square, Sutton town centre to celebrate the harvest and moon festivals of different communities in the borough.

06 Aug 2024

Sutton’s new independent cinema throws open its doors

Sutton's eagerly awaited new cultural destination, Throwley Yard, has opened its doors to welcome visitors with a little help from its ‘minions’.

Picture at the Summer Fun day of young people waiting by an ice cream van
01 Aug 2024

Annual Summer Fun Day 2024 at The Quad

On Wednesday 31 July our Children’s Social Care team in partnership with Sutton Virtual School hosted our annual Summer Fun Day at The Quad for Sutton’s care experienced children, young people and families. 

31 Jul 2024

Community garden opens at Oru Sutton

A new community garden has opened on Oru Sutton's rooftop, located in the centre of Sutton. This garden brings together people of all ages for educational workshops and activities focused on planting and growing.

30 Jul 2024

Have your say in our consultations

Sutton Council has a number of open consultations to give residents the opportunity to have their say on a range of issues.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Barry Lewis
26 Jul 2024

Have your say in Sutton!

It’s really important to me that as a Council we create opportunities for our residents and businesses to have a say on the future of Sutton and the services we deliver.