You need a licence to put a builder's skip on any part of the public highway. We only issue licences to skip companies.

You don’t need a licence if you want to put a skip on private property.

Cost of licence 

New skip licence (14 days): £81.93 per licence

Skip licence (14-day extension): £40.09 per licence

Length of licence

A skip licence is valid for a maximum of 14 days. You can request a 14 day extension at our discretion. 

You can only apply for 1 extension to your licence. If you need the skip after the 28 days has expired, you will need to apply for a new licence. 

The skip must be removed by the licence’s expiry date.

How to apply

Read our full terms and conditions for skip licences before you apply. We will give permission subject to compliance with the conditions of the licence.

Apply for or extend a skip licence.

Red routes

Transport for London (TfL) is responsible for red routes. You’ll need to contact TfL to request a skip permit for a red route.

Red routes have single red or double red lines. They're normally A roads such as the A217 or A24.

Additional charges

We may levy additional charges if you do not comply with our conditions, in particular with regards to coning and lighting. This is to cover our own additional costs where we have had to provide safety features ourselves to ensure road safety.

Additional charges may be levied by Parking Services to cover loss of income if the skip is in a: 

If this applies, it will be listed as a special requirement on the licence.