Anyone is free to use our data. You don't have to apply or ask for permission, but you do have to agree to the terms of the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.

If you can't find the information you need, you can submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

We understand that raw data is not something that everyone is able to use and understand. We will analyse and present some of the most important information.

We'll publish the data in a variety of formats. This means that businesses, local community groups and residents can use the data in new and innovative ways.

You can access data about the population of Sutton using Data.Sutton. This website contains a vast amount of information and data about the borough and is regularly updated with the latest figures.

We are required to publish data about Council spending under the Local Government Transparency Code. You can access this through the Council’s Publication Scheme.

By publishing the data through this scheme we hope to improve the level of information and data that residents are able to access.