Opening a day nursery, pre-school, out of school club or holiday scheme

Starting your own childcare business can be a rewarding experience but it can also be challenging.

Here are some thing's you’ll need to consider to begin building a successful business.

Research the local area

You can email the  Family Information Service or call us on 020 8770 6000  to get:

  • local information about the current childcare market
  • Information on possible opportunities or gaps in the market

Identify suitable premises

We may be able to provide information on available spaces within the borough.

Business planning and identify funding

You should put together a business plan outlining:

  • long-term objectives
  • estimates
  • forecasts  
  • what you want to achieve and how you will do it

This will assist with any funding applications.

Comply with legal requirements

Qualifications and Staff Ratios

The Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 Framework sets standards for the learning, development and care for children from birth to 5 years old. All registered providers must follow the EYFS. The framework outlines the minimum qualifications and staff ratios for all early years providers (other than childminders).

Register with Ofsted

You will need to register as a childcare provider on domestic or non-domestic premises with Ofsted.

You can find out more about Ofsted requirements for becoming a childcare provider on GOV.UK