Sutton Community Awards 2023

29 Nov 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the Sutton Community Awards on Wednesday 22 November 2023, it was a magical evening meeting everyone who was shortlisted for the awards.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate someone, we had a record breaking 270 nominations this year, which goes to show the amazing people we have throughout the borough. Also, a huge thank you to Tim Vine for hosting the evening

Thank you to all our nominees, the incredible contributions of time and effort you put into the community is exceptional and we are so thankful for all of you. 

Our winners for the 11 awards are listed below.

 Outstanding STEAM Professional - Jamie Costello

Jamie Costello is an Assistant Headteacher at Sutton Grammer School and has taught science for over 20 years. He has been a key partner in the Sutton STEAMs Ahead Project, STEAM Fair. Jamie is a role model to his students. Congratulations Jamie Costello for all your hard work influencing the next generation!

Environment Champion - Sutton Community Farm

Sutton Community Farm have led, delivered or supported work aimed at making Sutton greener. They engage with local schools, community groups and volunteers providing invaluable opportunities for people to reconnect with nature. Congratulations to Sutton Community Farm on winning the Environment Champion Award! 

Health & Wellbeing Champion - Jubee Mathews

Jubee has worked with Community Action Sutton as a Community Development Worker and has created key relationships with individuals and groups from deprived communities.
This award shines a light on those supporting our community with their physical health, mental wellbeing, and health management. Well Done to Jubee Mathews for all your hard work!

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion - Sutton African Caribbean Culture Organisation (SACCO)

Sutton African Caribbean Culture Organisation have worked tirelessly to help celebrate and cultivate projects and programmes focused on Sutton's diverse communities. SACCO is an organisation that are passionate about their community and fully embraces equality, diversity and inclusion. Congratulations SACCO!

Outstanding Young Person - Joseph Dean

Joseph has brought real credit to the borough through exceptional academic, sporting, artistic or cultural achievements.  As a Young Commissioner, Joseph has developed his leadership and collaboration skills, representing the voice and concerns of young people Sutton. His active participation shows his dedication to fostering positive changes in the community. Congratulations Joseph!

Sue Robson Trustee of the year - Fran Boto

Fran has done an amazing job helping to secure National Lottery Funding for four years which has enabled Home Start Sutton to continue providing the invaluable services. Fran also Volunteers for Home-Start and last Christmas she selflessly cooked a Christmas Dinner for one of the families and delivered it to them personally. She always goes above and beyond to help those in need. Congratulations Fran!

Voluntary & Community Sector of the Year - The Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton

The Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton have been pivotal in helping new migrant and refugee communities to resettle in Sutton and feel welcome. They have been particularly helpful in welcoming Ukrainian families as part of Sutton’s local response to the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, for example expanding their weekly English classes significantly and offering a creche for children. Congratulations to The Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton!

Outstanding Volunteering Group - Roundshaw Community Network

A group of volunteers that have demonstrated a great team spirit and worked together to support a cause or organisation that would only be possible collectively - this could include a business or staff members who volunteer as a group in Sutton. The Roundshaw Community Network have engaged with residents in an attempt to ensure that they have access to good advice and support around people making healthier choices. Congratulations Roundshaw Community Network!

Outstanding Volunteer - Vicki Ash

Vicki is 83 and has served as a volunteer since 2009 when Sutton Foodbank started. She leads a team of 8 volunteers in distributing approximately 30 tonnes of food per year. Vicki is an amazing volunteer proving age doesn’t have to be a factor in volunteering or in doing something you are passionate about. Congratulations Vicki on winning the Outstanding Volunteer award!

Outstanding Community Champion - Ric Adams

Ric is the heart and soul of Wallington, his volunteering and numerous activities as well as his hard work at Sutton Christian Centre has impacted thousands of residents in the Sutton area. Ric has been an active participant in Sutton Schools Work over many years and does so much for the community. Congratulations to Ric Adams on winning the Outstanding Community Champion Award!

Lifetime Achievement Award - Ken Smith

Ken has melted all of our hearts by the amazing work he has been doing in Sutton over his lifetime. He is a true treasure to the community. He turned 90 this year and has been volunteering for scouting for over 50 years! He is always out helping others by gardening, picking up litter and helping in charity shops. He is a very good role model for the young people in Sutton.