The Council has launched 'Our People, Our Places, Our Plan', or The Sutton Plan for short. This involves more than 20 local public, voluntary and private sector partners.

We want the borough to be a place where everyone has the opportunity to be happy, secure and successful. Residents should be able to live well throughout their lives.

Residents will be at the heart of everything we do and the way we work. You will be able to drive change in the borough on the issues that you care about.

The Sutton Plan represents our first attempt to capture these aims. We will set them out in a straightforward vision that everyone in Sutton can sign up to.

The five principles of the plan

Think Sutton first

We’ll prioritise the needs of the borough, rather than any single organisation.

Work across sectors

We will build and maintain partnerships across all the borough’s sectors. We will work together towards achieving our shared vision and objectives.

Get involved early

Tackle the causes of problems, not react to their symptoms. We will look beyond traditional services for ways to tackle the root causes of social problems and disaffection.

Build stronger self-sufficient communities

We’ll help communities work together and in partnership with other local organisations.

Provide coordinated, seamless services

Reduce service duplication. Enable as much care and health support as possible to take place at home and in the community.

Getting involved

The Sutton Plan needs to reflect the views of everyone in the borough. We’ll be out and about in the community speaking to local residents at events and public meetings.

You can also learn more at where you can:

  • sign up for regular updates
  • take part in surveys or forums
  • engage using the Twitter hashtag #thesuttonplan

Join the conversation

The project will set out the priorities for services in the borough for the next 5-10 years. It involves a range of public, voluntary and private sector partners.

We’ll be asking for your views on the future of the borough. What do you love about your area? How can it be improved? You can also find out what other residents have said about the area in the conversation so far. 


You can also join the conversation online using #TakePartMakeChange on Twitter and Facebook.