Children and Young People’s Disability Register and iCount card

Children and young people are eligible if they are 0-18 years old, live in the London Borough of Sutton and have a special need from either a disability or a health condition, including:

  • visual or hearing impairments

  • physical disability

  • learning disability

  • long-term illness

  • social communication or development disorders such as autism, Tourette’s, Asperger's or dyspraxia.

Eligibility Criteria for I COUNT Registration

Intellectual learning (1)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild. Usually functionally independent (allowing for age); Identified specific learning disability (likely to have continuing educational implications).
  • 2 - Moderate. Psychometric/developmental assessment reveals moderate learnign difficulty.
  • 3 - Severe. Psychometric/developmental assessment reveals severe learnign difficulty.
  • 4 - Profound. Psychometric/developmental assessment reveals profound learning difficulty.
  • N - Not tested.

Gross Motor (e.g mobility) (2)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Generally walks and functional independently, but some limitations e.g Slow walking, poor balance, asymmetry; Motor organisational difficulties; Mild motor impairment. 
  • 2 - Moderate: Difficulty in changing positions; Moderately delayed level of mobility; Walks with aids or assistance, may use wheelchari; May require postural management for function.
  • 3 - Requires assistance to move in and out of position; Markedly abnormal patterns of movement; High level of postural management required; Unlikely to be independently mobile. 
  • 4 - Profound: Unable to walk/uses wheelchair exclusively. 
  • N - Not tested. 

Fine Motor (e.g Manipulation) (3)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Possible tremor, unsteadiness awkward release; Delay in acquisition of skills; Some difficulties in play, writing, drawing or dressing. 
  • 2 - Moderate: Restricted movements of one or both hands when reading/stretching/feeding/writing/dressing i.e affects daily life; Poor manipulative skills. 
  • 3 - Severe: Requires aids/assistnace for fine motor function.  .
  • 4 - Profound: No bilateral grasp and release; Unable to feed self or write, might use a switch system. 
  • N - Not tested

Vision (4)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: VQ<6/18 in better eye; Problem e.g amblyopia in one eye; Minor visual field loss.  
  • 2 - Moderate: VA 6/24 - 6/36 in better eye (visua difficulty affecting mobility); Reads print with aids; Defect in at least half visual field. 
  • 3 - Severe:Partially sighted i.e VA 6/36 - 6/60 in better eye.  
  • 4 - Profound: (Registered) blind, e.g Visual Activity (VA) less that 6/60 in better eye (unable to see hand movements).  
  • N - Not tested

Hearing (5) 

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: One ear normal (<30 dB), profound loss in other (>70dB); Bilateral hearing loss of 30-40dB
  • 2 - Moderate: Bilateral hearing loss with 41-70 dB loss in better ear and/or failed free-field testing on 2+ occassions over a six month period. 
  • 3 - Hearing loss of 71-90 dB in better ear. Severe: 
  • 4 - Profound: Profound bilateral hearing loss (>90 dB in better ear) whether aided or implanted.
  • 5N - Not tested

Speech & Language/Communication (6) 

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Child may show isolated pockets of specific speech and/or language difficulty or a mild delay in acquisition of language skills that may occur in association with a more general developmental delay.  
  • 2 - Moderate: Child may show an unequal profile of development across verbal/non-verbal skills, demonstrating areas of strength as well as areas of difficulty. Alternatively the child may present with the moderate delay in acquitision of language skills in association with globally delayed learning skills and other areas of development. 
  • 3 - Severe: Communication difficultites present as the primary factor in preventing the development of appropriate social interaction and access to learning, Child shows absence of spontaneous development of skills in the key area of form, content and/or use. 
  • 4 - Profound: Child presents with complex communication needs, typically in association with autism or a range of disabilities (hearing, visual, learning, physical), chronic of degenerative medical conditions where alternative systems used as primary means of communication. 
  • N - Not tested

Behavioural Problems (7)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Sometimes aggressive or difficult to manage/control (2+ times a week); Sometimes tearful/depressed/anxious (unrelated to immediate circumstances); Restless/distractible–often not settle to age-appropriateactivity; Problems probably outside norms for age and social group.
  • 2 - Moderate: Frequent aggressive or diffictul to manage/control (once a day); Frequent tearful/depressed/anxious (once a day); Rarely settles to age-appropriate activity; Problems causing considerable difficulties to family or group.
  • 3 - Severe: Persistently aggressive or difficult to manage/control (several times a day); Depressed/anxious sufficient to be considered at risk of self-harm or to be disrupting daily routines i.e attendance at school; Never settles to activity;Unable to function in a group.
  • 4 - Profound: Aggressive behaviour causing others requiring constant adult supervision; self-harm behaviours (overdose,head banging, cutting) or assessed as suicide risk by appropriate child mental health professionals. 
  • N- Not tested

Social/environmental (8)

  • Category not used at present

Self Help (9)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Some delay in independent function in relation to age norm; Organisational difficulties requiring supervision. 
  • 2 - Moderate: Requires facilitation or assistance with ADL (Activities of Daily living) e.g self-feeding regimes. 1.
  • 3 - Severe: Requires constant assistnace with ADL. 
  • 4 - Profound: Totally dependent on others for ADL. 
  • N- Not tested 

Physical Health (10)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Well controlled symptoms.
  • 2 - Moderate: Partially controlled symptoms.
  • 3 - Has a serious deteriorating illness; Poor control of symptoms; Oxygen dependant. 
  • 4 - Profound: Pallative care required; Requires mechanical ventilation.
  • N - Not tested 

Eating, Drinking and Swallowing (11)

  • 0 - No problems
  • 1 - Mild: Copes well with wide variety of textures but occasional problems in chewing or food and drink, particularly liquid,in the mouth; Infrequent episodes of choking: minimal risk of aspiration; Rejection or intolerance of some textures e.g. spits out or gags on lump; Manages without NG or gastrostomy.
  • 2 - Moderate: Some ability to cope with limited textures e.g. soft foods and thickened drink,but some loss of control of food and drink in the mouth; periodic episodes of choking: some risk of aspiration; Wary and intolerant of the introduction of new textures e.g. averts head, pushes spoon away; Needs intermittent NG or Gorgastrostomy feeding.
  • 3 - Severe: Inability to cope with any texture; extremely limited with poor control of food and drink in the mouth; Adverse reaction often observed when food or drink extends; Needs long term NG or gastrostomy feeding.
  • 4 - Profound: Inability to cope with any texture; extremely limited with no control of food and drink in the mouth; Frequent choking on all intake; significant risk ofaspiration; No oral feeding ability.
  • N - Not tested.