More about our budget

Our Budget 2024/25

How we spend our 2024/25 budget

A pir chat showing how we will spend out 2024/25 budget, £143.4 million will go to adult social care and supporting children, £42.9 million will go to running the council and its assets, £32.5 million goes on environment, housing and economic development and £3.4 million goes to public health, libraries and leisure centres

How our budget is funded

pir chart shows how our budget is funded - £128.1 million comes from Council Tax, £75.7 million comes from Central Government and £18.4 million comes from Business Rates

Rising demand for our services means that each week, we spend:

Picture shows 4 Pictures in a table, top left shows hands with text reading Over £1m on adult social care, top right shows picture of young children with text reading Average of £7,000 on a child in residential care, bottom left shows a picture of a bus with text reading average of £250,000 on home- to-school tranport for SEND pupils and bottom right shows a picture of a hotel and text reading Over £84,000 on emergency housing for more than 400 households

Investing in what matters most

4 Pictures and text. top left shows lampost with text reading £4.3 m in roads, pavements and street lighting, top right shows a school with text reading £6.8m in maintaining and expanding school places, bottom left shows a building with text reading £12.2m in developing in Sutton High Street, the London Cancer Hub and Belmont transport and bottom right shows a crane with text ready £37.4m in new council homes and housing regeneration.

Weekly council tax breakdown for Band D

infographic shows £0.93 per week extra for council tax plus £0.62 extra for adult social care plus £0.72 oer week extra for GLA