Tackling noise pollution in Sutton

12 Mar 2021

“The greatest number of complaints our team receives is about noise - anything from intruder alarms to construction work, extractor fans to deliveries and collections. 

A recent complaint was received about an alarm in a vacant shop. It had been causing a nuisance by sounding all over the weekend. 

Using various tools like land registry, Google and Council records I was able to track down the owner. They were abroad and unable to return to the UK, but we were able to arrange for another family member to attend and disable the alarm.

COVID-19 has made us think of new and inventive ways of carrying out investigations. 

Protecting staff and residents has meant not visiting people in their homes, which has sometimes prevented us from gathering sufficient evidence to take formal action. 

But our role is not always about enforcement: in most cases, education and managing expectations can bring the best results. 

When we can help and resolve a complaint, it is nice to know that you have made a difference to someone's wellbeing.”

Dealing with noise nuisance is just one of hundreds of services we provide in Sutton. But we are facing a big challenge. 

More than 70% of our budget goes towards caring for Sutton’s vulnerable adults and children. Following COVID-19, more people are needing our help, while the cost of services is increasing.

Find out how we’re going to protect those needing our care and support Sutton’s recovery over the next 12 months.

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