Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of items. It can be as small as a single bag of waste left next to a street litter bin to an entire truck load of rubbish.  

Around two thirds of fly tips are household waste. These are all examples of fly tipping which you could be fined or prosecuted for:

  • a bag of rubbish left next to a litter bin
  • items left next to full recycling banks
  • things like white goods (fridges, freezers), furniture and mattresses dumped on the street or on private land
  • donations left outside a closed charity shop

Fly tipping is:

  • expensive to deal with - we spend a huge amount of money every year cleaning up fly tips and we would rather spend that money on frontline public services
  • dangerous to people, animals and the environment
  • ugly - it spoils our towns and devalues the local area
  • encourages others to dump more waste
  • attracts other anti-social behaviour such as graffiti and vandalism