The council’s current transport policies can be found in the Local Plan (Policies 4, 35, 36 and 37).

The council supports and encourages the use of sustainable forms of transport in order to reduce the impact on the environment. In addition to its core role of moving people and goods from A to B, transport has a crucial role to play in improving the quality of life at a local level, as well as improving the global environment and tackling climate change.

Promoting sustainable transport, and in particular tackling congestion, also has immediate economic benefits through reducing costs to businesses in terms of time and money. Most importantly travel choices can have a significant impact on health and air quality. The council undertakes various evidence base studies and monitors transport needs and development.

Over 50% of car journeys in Sutton are less than 5km (3 miles). A considerable proportion of car journeys could be replaced with more active and sustainable forms of travel, such as walking and cycling, which are proven to improve health, levels of physical fitness and reduce rates of obesity, while reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and consequent carbon emissions. 

Sutton's Sustainable Transport Strategy 

The Sustainable Transport Strategy SPD sets out the council's proposals to improve Sutton's transport and environment over the next decade, and how these will contribute towards the delivery of the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy. 

The Sustainable Transport Strategy reflects the council's Local Plan, which set out long term policies and proposals for the future development of the borough. The location of new development in relation to transport is crucial in ensuring that car dependency is reduced and sustainable transport use is maximised.

The council has published a monitoring report summary on the progress of Sustainable Transport Strategy against objectives and targets for the year ending May 2019. Also published are the progress against targets for the Sustainable Transport Strategy Action Plan, the Cycling Strategy Action Plan and an update of the STS Targets.

Sutton Cycling Strategy

The council's Cycling Strategy complements the Sustainable Transport Strategy and sets out the approach to encouraging and facilitating more people cycling in the borough over the next few years.

The Cycling Strategy sets out how the council is responding to the renewed focus on cycling in London being promoted by the Mayor in his Vision for Cycling and to the environmental imperatives of climate change and air pollution, as well as the need to address health and traffic congestion concerns.

The Mayor's Transport Strategy 

The Mayor of London has set out a Transport Strategy for London outlining travel goals, for example how to make sustainable modes of transport safer.

South London Partnership 

The South London Partnership prioritises transport and infrastructure. Here you can find out more about the benefits of cycling and the recent and/or planned cycle investments.